The drive is designed for a nominal cable force of about 15-20N and and adapts easily to a range of 10N up to 25N.
The graph shows force in Newton over time in seconds. You find a typical < 5N force for the outgoing wiper. An increase of forces when turning direction at the wing tip, and then 40-50N continuous pull force. The strain gauge is sampled at 100Hz and thus the cut off force is shown only at 50N, not reaching it’s potential peak. The controller samples with 5kHz and cuts the power within ca. 30 milliseconds time frame when reaching the wipers park position. So the real cut off force might be beyond 6kg. Then the graph also shows the holding force of a bit more than 2kg, which is also a design requirement.
The firmware revision 2.2 enhanced the current sensing and in consequence increases the maximal cable force the drives can adapt to. The jumbo now supports pull forces from 10N up to 40N.

As an additional goody the embedded config page shows the characteristic pull current of your bug wiper installation.
As a rule of thumb, the pull current translates roughly into a kg equivalent pull force with a factor of 1.2:
2.712 kg force = 2.26 x 1.2